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Re: Writing contents of a memory address to screen

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 10:20 pm
by yaztromo
Thank you all for valuable help.

Firstly on the overflow flag, I realise now I shouldn't have been using it. Now I learn that is only used with BVC when you are working with a signed number. I should have been checking the carry flag instead.

Satpro you also pulled me up on how I was storing the CPU register. There was no need to double it up to a memory address too! I see now that as long as the stack is used properly, you can pull it back off again at the right time.

Anyway, I now have kind of what I wanted. A small program to test idea of using double precision to control speed of a sprite. It needs a lot of work to be more than this of course. But I play with one idea at a time until I think I've grasped it.

Here is my entire code, written for ACME in C64 Studio. BTW conv2dec is a routine to output the value of sprite0yprecision to screen. which helped me debug what was going wrong. The movement speed of the sprite down the screen can be controlled by changing the value of sprite0speed, currently set to $ff (fastest speed).

Any comments welcome.

Code: Select all

!to "doublePrecision.prg",cbm

bordercolor = $d020
backgroundcolor = $d021
interruptcontrol = $d01a
interruptroutineaddress1 = $0314
interruptroutineaddress2 = $0315
rasterline = $d012
spriteonoff = $d015
spritemode = $d01c
spritepointer0 = $07f8
spritecolor1 = $d025
spritecolor2 = $d026
sprite0color = $d027
sprite0xpos = $d000
sprite0ypos = $d001

sprite0ybuffer = $c000
frameReadyFlag = $c001
sprite0speed = $ff
sprite0yPrecision = $c002
sprite0yPrecision2 = $c003

div_lo = $c005
div_hi = $c006

*= $0801
!byte $0d,$08,$00,$01,$9e,$20,$34,$30,$39,$36,$00,$00,$00 ; Types the basic program SYS 4096 into memory for more convenient running

*= $1000
  lda #$00
  sta frameReadyFlag
  lda #$0B  ; Set foreground and border colour to dark grey
  sta bordercolor
  sta backgroundcolor
  lda #$93  ; Clear the screen by loading clear screen character and then calling a kernel routine
  jsr $ffd2
  lda #$00  ; Load black into first shared sprite colour
  sta spritecolor1
  lda #$01  ; Load white into second shared sprite colour
  sta spritecolor2
  lda #$05  ; Load green into sprite 0 unique colour
  sta sprite0color
  lda #$80  ; Load first sprite pointer to point at $2000 ($2000 / $40 = $80)
  sta spritepointer0 ; The VIC-IIs default memory address for sprite pointer 0
  lda #$01  ; Enable sprite 0 by turning on first bit of $d015
  sta spriteonoff
  sta spritemode ; Set sprite 0 to multicolor mode
  lda #$96  ; Load coordinates to place sprite (in this case W150,H150)
  sta sprite0xpos
  sta sprite0ypos
  sei ;       Disable the CPU responding to interrupts
  lda #$7f  ; Keep some other random interrupts off
  sta $dc0d
  sta $dd0d

  lda $dc0d ; Acknowledge any CIA 1 interrupts
  lda $dd0d ; Acknowledge any CIA 2 interrupts
  lda #$01  ; Turn on VIC raster interrupts
  sta interruptcontrol
  lda #$fa ; Generate interrupt on line fa
  sta rasterline
  lda #$1b  ;Not sure what this does exactly?
  sta $d011
  lda #<spriteControl	;set the correct address for the interrupt routine
  sta interruptroutineaddress1
  lda #>spriteControl
  sta interruptroutineaddress2

  cli		  ; turn all interrupts back on

  lda #sprite0speed ; get the sprite speed and add it to the precision buffer
  adc sprite0yPrecision
  sta sprite0yPrecision
  jsr conv2dec
  bcc mainLoop ; loop again if didn't overflow
  lda #$08 ; we did carry so add eight to the next buffer
  adc sprite0yPrecision2
  sta sprite0yPrecision2
  bcc mainLoop ; loop again if didn’t over flow
  lda #$01
  adc sprite0ybuffer
  sta sprite0ybuffer
  inc bordercolor
  jmp mainLoop  ; Sit idle until interrupted

  asl $d019 ; Acknowledge (clear) raster interrupt
  inc bordercolor ; Start a raster time status bar
  lda sprite0ybuffer ;copy buffers to actual locations
  sta sprite0ypos
  dec bordercolor ; stop raster time status bar
  jmp $ea81 ; Kernal routine to return to main program

  LDY #$00
  LDX sprite0yPrecision
  STX div_lo
  STY div_hi
  LDY #$04
  JSR div10
  ORA #$30
  STA $0400,Y
  BPL next

  LDX #$11
  LDA #$00
  CMP #$0A
  BCC skip
  SBC #$0A
  ROL div_lo
  ROL div_hi
  BNE loop

*= $2000
!BIN "greenman.spr"

Re: Writing contents of a memory address to screen

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 6:49 pm
by Prime
yaztromo: Thanks for posting your code as someone might find it useful