Ongoing Project: RESM

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Ongoing Project: RESM

Post by MarcWalters »

The assembly board here is a little quiet, so I might throw one of my little pet projects into the ring for discussion.

I've stripped down an earlier 6502 implementation of UML State Charts and come up with something lighter and easier to use. The code presented here is fully working, but relies on some other framework routines that aren't provided. There should be enough to tinker with, though. Also, not shown here but worth noting is the Decision Table/Logic Engine that plugs into this RESM to reduce logic expression and evaluation into a manageable form. I'll post that elsewhere.

The code editor used is C64 Prg Studio.

I'll break it up into chunks with preceding comments.

There are two main sections here. The first shows the RESM. The second shows how an application is defined as a StateChart and Event Handlers.

First Part: Reactive Extended State Machine.
Reactive: Event-driven.
Extended: State Variables.

Variables and Event Handling is encapsulated and recursive. For example, an Event Handler can be defined in the Top State but no other states. During the application's lifetime, an event that occurs in any other state will be passed upwards through its parents until the appropriate handler is found.

The system is Run-To-Completion. With careful design around it, it should handle multiple threads with no problems.

Event ID's are not instances. It is the associated data passed with them that provides usable information.

Some important variables:
ApplicationState always contains the current State.
ActiveState always holds the temporary state for the currently handled event.
EventID holds the type of event only. Instance data is associated with it.
CurrentContext is still under development. Basically, I'm extending it to be contextual so different SMs and their Variables can be mapped into each other with no collision.

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; ----------------------------------------
; Reactive Extended State Machine

; ----------

; Vectors
zRESM_StateVec             = CompilerIndex_ZPAddr
zRESM_NextStateVec         = zRESM_StateVec + 2
zRESM_StateMapVec          = zRESM_NextStateVec + 2
zRESM_ApplicationState     = zRESM_StateMapVec + 2
zRESM_NextState            = zRESM_ApplicationState + 1
zRESM_ActiveState          = zRESM_NextState + 1
zRESM_EventID              = zRESM_ActiveState + 1
zRESM_CurrentContext       = zRESM_EventID + 1

; Bump CompilerIndex_ZPAddr for the next ZP allocation
CompilerIndex_ZPAddr = zRESM_CurrentContext + 1
; ----------

; Configuration
cRESM_MaxEvents        = 8
cRESM_MaxContexts      = 1

; Constant Indices
ciRESM_ParentID        = 0
ciRESM_EntryAction     = 1
ciRESM_ExitAction      = 3
ciRESM_EventCount      = 5
ciRESM_EventID         = 6

; TODO: Needs to be a queue. Add to top, take from bottom. Circular.
; Use multiples of 8 so it's easy to mask for pointer wrap-around.
; However, STK ensures fast response for related code. Might keep it a while.

TAB_RESM_EventPointer  byte 0 
TAB_RESM_EventStk      bytes cRESM_MaxEvents
TAB_LO_RESM_EventData  bytes cRESM_MaxEvents 
TAB_HI_RESM_EventData  bytes cRESM_MaxEvents 
Note: I use rA, rX and rY to refer to the CPU registers.

SetStateMap uses a (not shown here) memory management framework used to pass references to blocks of memory.

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; rA has HDL for StateMap
         ldx #zRESM_StateMapVec
         jmp Block_AddrToVecAX
Start initialises the SM then loops until exit.

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         ; Initialisation
         jsr RESM_Init

         ; Startup
         lda #0
         jsr RESM_Txn_Entry

         ; Lead event
         lda #EID_Start
         jsr RESM_Event_Raise

         ; Event handling loop
@Loop1   lda #254
         cmp $d012
         bne @Loop1

         inc $d020
         jsr RESM_Event_Assign
         dec $d020

         jsr ReadJoystick
         lda zRESM_ApplicationState
         cmp #255
         bne @Loop1
Init does what it seems. Initialisation.

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         lda #0
         sta zRESM_ApplicationState
         sta TAB_RESM_EventPointer
Event_Raise will "raise" an event. Use it by loading rA with a valid EventID then call the subroutine. It sticks the Event and its variables onto a stack (not a queue).

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; rA EventType, rXY Argument Data or Address
         sty @SMC + 1
         ldy TAB_RESM_EventPointer
         sta TAB_RESM_EventStk,Y
         sta TAB_LO_RESM_EventData,Y
@SMC     lda #0
         sta TAB_HI_RESM_EventData,Y
         inc TAB_RESM_EventPointer
Event_Assign takes an Event from the Event Stack and tries to find its associated Event Handler in the application's current state or one of its parent states. If no handler is found the event is discarded. I intend to add handling for Event Deferment eventually.

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; Run-To-Completion! Keep the handlers short and don't block.
         ; Pull Event from Stack
         ldx TAB_RESM_EventPointer
         beq @Exit

         stx TAB_RESM_EventPointer

         ; Get next unhandled Event
         lda TAB_RESM_EventStk,X
         sta zRESM_EventID

         ; Set the state Data Base Address
         lda zRESM_ApplicationState
         sta zRESM_ActiveState   ; This shows from which state an Action or Event was consumed
         jsr RESM_SetStateVector

         ; Seach through the current state's Event Handler list
         ldy #ciRESM_EventCount
         lda (zRESM_StateVec),Y
         sta @EventCount
         adc #ciRESM_EventCount

         ; Find a match
         lda (zRESM_StateVec),Y
         cmp zRESM_EventID
         beq @ConsumeEvent
         cpy #ciRESM_EventCount
         bne @Loop_MatchEvent

         ; Recursive Search
         ldy #ciRESM_ParentID
         lda (zRESM_StateVec),Y
         cmp #255
         bne @Loop_State
@Exit    rts

         ; Calculate index to the State's designated EventHandler for that EventID
         lda PreCalc_Mul2L_GV - 3,Y ; Aligns with the values 6,8,10,...
         adc @EventCount
         ; Now at the correct position in the State data
         lda (zRESM_StateVec),Y
         sta @SMC_EventHandler + 1
         lda (zRESM_StateVec),Y
         sta @SMC_EventHandler + 2

         ; Load rA with EventID, rXY with Event Data
         ldx TAB_RESM_EventPointer ;zRESM_EventID
         ldy TAB_HI_RESM_EventData,X
         lda TAB_LO_RESM_EventData,X
         lda zRESM_EventID

         jmp $FFFF

@EventCount byte 0
The following are internal utility subroutines.

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         lda (zRESM_StateMapVec),Y 
         sta zRESM_StateVec
         lda (zRESM_StateMapVec),Y
         sta zRESM_StateVec + 1

         lda (zRESM_StateMapVec),Y 
         sta zRESM_NextStateVec
         lda (zRESM_StateMapVec),Y
         sta zRESM_NextStateVec + 1
Transitions are important since there are three types: External, Local and Internal, each of which handle the automatic Entry and Exit actions slightly differently depending on the relationships between source and destination states.

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RESM_Txn_Local sta zRESM_NextState
         jsr RESM_SetNextStateVector

         ; If NextState is not a Child then do ExitAction 
         lda zRESM_ApplicationState

         ldy #ciRESM_ParentID
         cmp (zRESM_NextStateVec),Y
         beq @SkipExit

         ; Do Exit Action
         ldy #ciRESM_ExitAction
         jsr RESM_DoSMCJmp

         ; If NextState is not the Parent then do EntryAction
         ldy #ciRESM_ParentID
         lda (zRESM_StateVec),Y

         ; Enter new state BEFORE calling (or not) its Entry Action
         lda zRESM_NextStateVec
         sta zRESM_StateVec
         lda zRESM_NextStateVec + 1
         sta zRESM_StateVec + 1
         lda zRESM_NextState
         sta zRESM_ApplicationState

         cpy zRESM_ApplicationState 
         beq @SkipEntry

         ; Do Entry Action
         ldy #ciRESM_EntryAction
         jsr RESM_DoSMCJmp

@SkipEntry rts

         sta zRESM_NextState

         ; Transition Exit
         lda zRESM_ApplicationState
         jsr RESM_SetStateVector
         ldy #ciRESM_ExitAction
         jsr RESM_DoSMCJmp

         ; Next State

         lda zRESM_NextState
         ; Transition Entry
         sta zRESM_ApplicationState
         jsr RESM_SetStateVector
         ldy #ciRESM_EntryAction
         jmp RESM_DoSMCJmp
This is the cleanup routine that is done when a Kill or Stop type of event is serviced.

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         ; Recurse through Parent States while calling their Exit Actions
         lda zRESM_ApplicationState
         jsr RESM_SetStateVector
         ldy #ciRESM_ExitAction
         jsr RESM_DoSMCJmp

         ldy #ciRESM_ParentID
         lda (zRESM_StateVec),Y
         sta zRESM_ApplicationState
         cmp #255
         bne RESM_Txn_RecursiveExit_E
An internal routine used to access Event Handlers.

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RESM_DoSMCJmp lda (zRESM_StateVec),Y
         sta @SMC + 1
         lda (zRESM_StateVec),Y
         sta @SMC + 2

@SMC     jmp $FFFF
PART 2: State and Event Definitions

A statemap needs to be defined. It's a series of tables and pointers. The RESM is given the start address, in this example it's StateMap_1, to work with.

Assign a reference to a chunk of memory. This reference can be passed around to other subroutines which will use it, its meta-data and the memory area. These references are managed by a framework that handles the availability pool, structs, de/serialisation and arrays and lists. For reasons of space I won't show the code for all that in this post.

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; Create Data Block
         lda #0   ; Length param 
         ldx #<StateMap_1
         ldy #>StateMap_1
         jsr Block_Create
         sta StateMap_1_HDL
StateMap_1_HDL is where the reference to StateMap_1 is stored.

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; States
StateMap_1_HDL    byte 0

StateMap_1        word SM1_Main, SM1_Game, SM1_WaitToStart

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; State IDs
ciSM1_Main          = 0
ciSM1_Game          = 1
ciSM1_WaitToStart   = 2
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is the topmost state which is the parent of all the others. It has no parent (255).
A state is structed as follows:
1. byte Parent's StateID (255 = no parent)
2. address Entry Action, address Exit Action
3. byte Count Of Events handled by this state
4. byte Event ID, ... (number of Event IDs = Count Of Events)
5. address Event Handler, ... (number of Event Handlers = Count Of Events, and corresponds to the Event ID above)

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@ParentID         byte 255 
@EntryExitActions word EA_SM1_Main, XA_SM1_Main 
@EventCount       byte 2
@EventID          byte EID_Start, EID_Stop 
@EventHandler     word EH_Start,  EH_Stop 

@ParentID         byte ciSM1_Main
@EntryExitActions word EA_SM1_Game, XA_SM1_Game
@EventCount       byte 2
@EventID          byte EID_BallHit, EID_Joystick   
@EventHandler     word EH_BallHit, EH_Joystick_InGame 

@ParentID         byte ciSM1_Main
@EntryExitActions word EA_SM1_WaitToStart, XA_Null
@EventCount       byte 1
@EventID          byte EID_Joystick   
@EventHandler     word EH_Joystick_InWait 
Statically defined State Variables. The colours are arrayed for three different contexts. Default context is 0.

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; State Variables
SM1_Main_BdrColour  byte Color_LtG, Color_Yel, Color_LtR
SM1_Main_BgdColour  byte Color_Blk, Color_Gr1, Color_Blu

SM1_Main_HiScore  byte 0
SM1_Game_Score    byte 0
SM1_Game_Lives    byte 0
Note that although these EventIDs are unique, they are used only to express the TYPE of event, not a concrete instance. For example, a KeyPress event would carry in its associated variables defining information such as the keycode and shift type.

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; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Events IDs
EID_Null          = 0
EID_Start         = 1
EID_Stop          = 2
EID_Joystick      = 3
EID_BallHit       = 4
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Event Handlers are self-explanatory. A subroutine whose address lies in a State's @EventHandler table.
The code in the handler can do anything - trigger transitions, raise other events, read and write State Variables.

Some of the example code in here shows inline parameters. Yep, the code is not provided, so just assume the inline Print works as implied.

The default Start routine prints an introductory message then triggers a local transition to one of the child states.

In the Wait handler, the JoyStick event has pushed the Fire and Direction information into the CPU registers, hence the cpx upon entry.

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; Event Handlers
         jsr i_QPrint
         byte 0,0,Color_Yel
         null '----- State/Event Test -----'

         ; New State
         lda #ciSM1_WaitToStart
         jmp RESM_Txn_Local

EH_Stop  jmp RESM_Txn_RecursiveExit

         ; Guard Condition
         ; Initiate an External Transition to the Game State
         cpx #cJoystick_Fire
         bne @Exit
         lda #ciSM1_Game
         jsr RESM_Txn_External
@Exit    rts

         ; Guard Condition
         ; Initiate an External Transition to the Game State
         cpx #cJoystick_Left
         bne @Cont

@Cont    cpx #cJoystick_Right
         bne @Exit

@Exit    rts

Entry and Exit Actions are executed whenever a state is, respectively, entered or exited.
For example, when a new game screen state is entered, an Entry Action would clear the screen and print an introduction to the level. It's worth pointing out that these non-traditional UML-style Extended States avoid the potential messy explosion of events, states and variables. They're also fast, sparsely defined and can significantly reduce the amount of code otherwise needed.

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; ----------------------------------------
; Entry Actions
EA_Null  rts

         jsr ScreenClear
         lda SM1_Main_BdrColour
         sta $D020
         lda SM1_Main_BgdColour
         sta $D021
         lda #0
         sta SM1_Main_HiScore

         jsr i_QPrint
         byte 5,10,Color_Wht
         null '*** PRESS FIRE TO BEGIN ***'

         lda #3
         sta SM1_Game_Lives
         lda #0
         sta SM1_Game_Score

         ; Draw Game Screen
         ; ...

; ----------------------------------------
; Exit Actions
XA_Null  rts

XA_SM1_Main rts

XA_SM1_Game rts

XA_SM1_WaitToStart rts
One major omission here is automatic handling of transitions between non-neighbouring states. The code to find the Least Common Ancestor and to walk the tree in the correct order is simple, but can be a big hit to the CPU due to the dynamic search.

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