The start of a scroller

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The start of a scroller

Post by Melon »

This thread will hopefully spark some discussion around building the ultimate scroller.

This scroller should be an 8 way scroll, with double buffering and scroll colour ram.

I apologise in advance, as quite a lot of my source has no comments at all.

Here we go :)

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Re: The start of a scroller

Post by Shaun_B »

That's okay if you can explain it ;-)
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Re: The start of a scroller

Post by Melon »

So, to kick off the discussion here's some source. I use CBM prog studio. There is no smooth scrolling yet, there are also no edge updates yet, I'll add them a little later.

I'm 100% sure there are faster ways to do this, updating less rows/columns per scroll pixel etc? Your comments are welcome :)

Code: Select all

; SYS 4096

* = $1000

; Double buffered scroll with colour ram routines

; screenone is located at $c000 and screentwo is located at $c400
; colourram is located at $d800

screenone = $c000
screentwo = $c400
colourmap = $d800

; copy from screenone to screentwo, left one column (line/character)

S1S2L   LDX #$00
@loop   LDA screenone+$1,X
        STA screentwo,X
        LDA screenone+$29,X
        STA screentwo+$28,X
        LDA screenone+$51,X
        STA screentwo+$50,X
        LDA screenone+$79,X
        STA screentwo+$78,X
        LDA screenone+$A1,X
        STA screentwo+$A0,X
        LDA screenone+$C9,X
        STA screentwo+$C8,X
        LDA screenone+$F1,X
        STA screentwo+$F0,X
        LDA screenone+$119,X
        STA screentwo+$118,X
        LDA screenone+$141,X
        STA screentwo+$140,X
        LDA screenone+$169,X
        STA screentwo+$168,X
        LDA screenone+$191,X
        STA screentwo+$190,X
        LDA screenone+$1B9,X
        STA screentwo+$1B8,X
        LDA screenone+$1E1,X
        STA screentwo+$1E0,X
        LDA screenone+$209,X
        STA screentwo+$208,X
        LDA screenone+$231,X
        STA screentwo+$230,X
        LDA screenone+$259,X
        STA screentwo+$258,X
        LDA screenone+$281,X
        STA screentwo+$280,X
        LDA screenone+$2A9,X
        STA screentwo+$2A8,X
        LDA screenone+$2D1,X
        STA screentwo+$2D0,X
        LDA screenone+$2F9,X
        STA screentwo+$2F8,X
        LDA screenone+$321,X
        STA screentwo+$320,X
        CPX #$26
        BEQ @end
        JMP @loop
@end    RTS

; copy from screentwo to screenone, left one column (line/character)

S2S1L   LDX #$00
@loop   LDA screentwo+$01,x
        STA screenone,x
        LDA screentwo+$29,x
        STA screenone+$28,x
        LDA screentwo+$51,x
        STA screenone+$50,x
        LDA screentwo+$79,x
        STA screenone+$78,x
        LDA screentwo+$A1,x
        STA screenone+$a0,x
        LDA screentwo+$C9,x
        STA screenone+$c8,x
        LDA screentwo+$F1,x
        STA screenone+$f0,x
        LDA screentwo+$119,x
        STA screenone+$118,x
        LDA screentwo+$141,x
        STA screenone+$140,x
        LDA screentwo+$169,x
        STA screenone+$168,x
        LDA screentwo+$191,x
        STA screenone+$190,x
        LDA screentwo+$1b9,x
        STA screenone+$1b8,x
        LDA screentwo+$1e1,x
        STA screenone+$1e0,x
        LDA screentwo+$209,x
        STA screenone+$208,x
        LDA screentwo+$231,x
        STA screenone+$230,x
        LDA screentwo+$259,x
        STA screenone+$258,x
        LDA screentwo+$281,x
        STA screenone+$280,x
        LDA screentwo+$2a9,x
        STA screenone+$2a8,x
        LDA screentwo+$2d1,x
        STA screenone+$2d0,x
        LDA screentwo+$2f9,x
        STA screenone+$2f8,x
        LDA screentwo+$321,x
        STA screenone+$320,x
        CPX #$26
        BEQ @end
        JMP @loop
@end    RTS

; copy from screenone to screentwo, right one column (line/character)

S1S2R   LDX #$25
@loop   LDA screenone,x
        STA screentwo+$01,x
        LDA screenone+$28,x
        STA screentwo+$29,x
        LDA screenone+$50,x
        STA screentwo+$51,x
        LDA screenone+$78,x
        STA screentwo+$79,x
        LDA screenone+$a0,x
        STA screentwo+$A1,x
        LDA screenone+$c8,x
        STA screentwo+$C9,x
        LDA screenone+$f0,x
        STA screentwo+$F1,x
        LDA screenone+$118,x
        STA screentwo+$119,x
        LDA screenone+$140,x
        STA screentwo+$141,x
        LDA screenone+$168,x
        STA screentwo+$169,x
        LDA screenone+$190,x
        STA screentwo+$191,x
        LDA screenone+$1b8,x
        STA screentwo+$1b9,x
        LDA screenone+$1e0,x
        STA screentwo+$1e1,x
        LDA screenone+$208,x
        STA screentwo+$209,x
        LDA screenone+$230,x
        STA screentwo+$231,x
        LDA screenone+$258,x
        STA screentwo+$259,x
        LDA screenone+$280,x
        STA screentwo+$281,x
        LDA screenone+$2a8,x
        STA screentwo+$2a9,x
        LDA screenone+$2d0,x
        STA screentwo+$2d1,x
        LDA screenone+$2f8,x
        STA screentwo+$2f9,x
        LDA screenone+$320,x
        STA screentwo+$321,x
        BMI @end
        JMP @loop
@end    RTS

; copy from screentwo to screenone, right one column (line/character)

S2S1R   LDX #$25
@loop   LDA screentwo,x
        STA screenone+$1,x
        LDA screentwo+$28,x
        STA screenone+$29,x
        LDA screentwo+$50,x
        STA screenone+$51,x
        LDA screentwo+$78,x
        STA screenone+$79,x
        LDA screentwo+$a0,x
        STA screenone+$a1,x
        LDA screentwo+$c8,x
        STA screenone+$c9,x
        LDA screentwo+$f0,x
        STA screenone+$f1,x
        LDA screentwo+$118,x
        STA screenone+$119,x
        LDA screentwo+$140,x
        STA screenone+$141,x
        LDA screentwo+$168,x
        STA screenone+$169,x
        LDA screentwo+$190,x
        STA screenone+$191,x
        LDA screentwo+$1b8,x
        STA screenone+$1b9,x
        LDA screentwo+$1e0,x
        STA screenone+$1e1,x
        LDA screentwo+$208,x
        STA screenone+$209,x
        LDA screentwo+$230,x
        STA screenone+$231,x
        LDA screentwo+$258,x
        STA screenone+$259,x
        LDA screentwo+$280,x
        STA screenone+$281,x
        LDA screentwo+$2a8,x
        STA screenone+$2a9,x
        LDA screentwo+$2d0,x
        STA screenone+$2d1,x
        LDA screentwo+$2f8,x
        STA screenone+$2f9,x
        LDA screentwo+$320,x
        STA screenone+$321,x
        BMI @end
        JMP @loop
@end    RTS

; copy from screenone to screentwo, up one row (line/character)

S1S2U   LDX #$00
@loop   LDA screenone+$28,x
        STA screentwo,x
        LDA screenone+$50,x
        STA screentwo+$28,x
        LDA screenone+$78,x
        STA screentwo+$50,x
        LDA screenone+$a0,x
        STA screentwo+$78,x
        LDA screenone+$c8,x
        STA screentwo+$a0,x
        LDA screenone+$f0,x
        STA screentwo+$c8,x
        LDA screenone+$118,x
        STA screentwo+$f0,x
        LDA screenone+$140,x
        STA screentwo+$118,x
        LDA screenone+$168,x
        STA screentwo+$140,x
        LDA screenone+$190,x
        STA screentwo+$168,x
        LDA screenone+$1b8,x
        STA screentwo+$190,x
        LDA screenone+$1e0,x
        STA screentwo+$1b8,x
        LDA screenone+$208,x
        STA screentwo+$1e0,x
        LDA screenone+$230,x
        STA screentwo+$208,x
        LDA screenone+$258,x
        STA screentwo+$230,x
        LDA screenone+$280,x
        STA screentwo+$258,x
        LDA screenone+$2a8,x
        STA screentwo+$280,x
        LDA screenone+$2d0,x
        STA screentwo+$2a8,x
        LDA screenone+$2f8,x
        STA screentwo+$2d0,x
        LDA screenone+$320,x
        STA screentwo+$2f8,x
        CPX #$27
        BEQ @end
        JMP @loop
@end    RTS

; copy from screentwo to screenone, up one row (line/character)

S2S1U   LDX #$00
@loop   LDA screentwo+$28,x
        STA screenone,x
        LDA screentwo+$50,x
        STA screenone+$28,x
        LDA screentwo+$78,x
        STA screenone+$50,x
        LDA screentwo+$a0,x
        STA screenone+$78,x
        LDA screentwo+$c8,x
        STA screenone+$a0,x
        LDA screentwo+$f0,x
        STA screenone+$c8,x
        LDA screentwo+$118,x
        STA screenone+$f0,x
        LDA screentwo+$140,x
        STA screenone+$118,x
        LDA screentwo+$168,x
        STA screenone+$140,x
        LDA screentwo+$190,x
        STA screenone+$168,x
        LDA screentwo+$1b8,x
        STA screenone+$190,x
        LDA screentwo+$1e0,x
        STA screenone+$1b8,x
        LDA screentwo+$208,x
        STA screenone+$1e0,x
        LDA screentwo+$230,x
        STA screenone+$208,x
        LDA screentwo+$258,x
        STA screenone+$230,x
        LDA screentwo+$280,x
        STA screenone+$258,x
        LDA screentwo+$2a8,x
        STA screenone+$280,x
        LDA screentwo+$2d0,x
        STA screenone+$2a8,x
        LDA screentwo+$2f8,x
        STA screenone+$2d0,x
        LDA screentwo+$320,x
        STA screenone+$2f8,x
        CPX #$27
        BEQ @end
        JMP @loop
@end    RTS

; copy from screenone to screentwo, down one row (line/character)

S1S2D   LDX #$26
@loop   LDA screenone+$2f8,x
        STA screentwo+$320,x
        LDA screenone+$2d0,x
        STA screentwo+$2f8,x
        LDA screenone+$2a8,x
        STA screentwo+$2d0,x
        LDA screenone+$280,x
        STA screentwo+$2a8,x
        LDA screenone+$258,x
        STA screentwo+$280,x
        LDA screenone+$230,x
        STA screentwo+$258,x
        LDA screenone+$208,x
        STA screentwo+$230,x
        LDA screenone+$1e0,x
        STA screentwo+$208,x
        LDA screenone+$1b8,x
        STA screentwo+$1e0,x
        LDA screenone+$190,x
        STA screentwo+$1b8,x
        LDA screenone+$168,x
        STA screentwo+$190,x
        LDA screenone+$140,x
        STA screentwo+$168,x
        LDA screenone+$118,x
        STA screentwo+$140,x
        LDA screenone+$f0,x
        STA screentwo+$118,x
        LDA screenone+$c8,x
        STA screentwo+$f0,x
        LDA screenone+$a0,x
        STA screentwo+$c8,x
        LDA screenone+$78,x
        STA screentwo+$a0,x
        LDA screenone+$50,x
        STA screentwo+$78,x
        LDA screenone+$28,x
        STA screentwo+$50,x
        LDA screenone,x
        STA screentwo+$28,x
        BMI @end
        JMP @loop
@end    RTS

; copy from screentwo to screenone, down one row (line/character)

S2S1D   LDX #$26
@loop   LDA screentwo+$2f8,x
        STA screenone+$320,x
        LDA screentwo+$2d0,x
        STA screenone+$2f8,x
        LDA screentwo+$2a8,x
        STA screenone+$2d0,x
        LDA screentwo+$280,x
        STA screenone+$2a8,x
        LDA screentwo+$258,x
        STA screenone+$280,x
        LDA screentwo+$230,x
        STA screenone+$258,x
        LDA screentwo+$208,x
        STA screenone+$230,x
        LDA screentwo+$1e0,x
        STA screenone+$208,x
        LDA screentwo+$1b8,x
        STA screenone+$1e0,x
        LDA screentwo+$190,x
        STA screenone+$1b8,x
        LDA screentwo+$168,x
        STA screenone+$190,x
        LDA screentwo+$140,x
        STA screenone+$168,x
        LDA screentwo+$118,x
        STA screenone+$140,x
        LDA screentwo+$f0,x
        STA screenone+$118,x
        LDA screentwo+$c8,x
        STA screenone+$f0,x
        LDA screentwo+$a0,x
        STA screenone+$c8,x
        LDA screentwo+$78,x
        STA screenone+$a0,x
        LDA screentwo+$50,x
        STA screenone+$78,x
        LDA screentwo+$28,x
        STA screenone+$50,x
        LDA screentwo,x
        STA screenone+$28,x
        BMI @end
        JMP @loop
@end    RTS

; copy from screenone to screentwo, up one row and left one column (line/character)

S1S2UL  LDX #$00
@loop   LDA screenone+$29,x
        STA screentwo,x
        LDA screenone+$51,x
        STA screentwo+$28,x
        LDA screenone+$79,x
        STA screentwo+$50,x
        LDA screenone+$a1,x
        STA screentwo+$78,x
        LDA screenone+$c9,x
        STA screentwo+$a0,x
        LDA screenone+$f1,x
        STA screentwo+$c8,x
        LDA screenone+$119,x
        STA screentwo+$f0,x
        LDA screenone+$141,x
        STA screentwo+$118,x
        LDA screenone+$169,x
        STA screentwo+$140,x
        LDA screenone+$191,x
        STA screentwo+$168,x
        LDA screenone+$1b9,x
        STA screentwo+$190,x
        LDA screenone+$1e1,x
        STA screentwo+$1b8,x
        LDA screenone+$209,x
        STA screentwo+$1e0,x
        LDA screenone+$231,x
        STA screentwo+$208,x
        LDA screenone+$259,x
        STA screentwo+$230,x
        LDA screenone+$281,x
        STA screentwo+$258,x
        LDA screenone+$2a9,x
        STA screentwo+$280,x
        LDA screenone+$2d1,x
        STA screentwo+$2a8,x
        LDA screenone+$2f9,x
        STA screentwo+$2d0,x
        LDA screenone+$321,x
        STA screentwo+$2f8,x
        CPX #$26
        BEQ @end
        JMP @loop
@end    RTS

; copy from screentwo to screenone, up one row and left one column (line/character)

S2S1UL  LDX #$00
@loop   LDA screentwo+$29,x
        STA screenone,x
        LDA screentwo+$51,x
        STA screenone+$28,x
        LDA screentwo+$79,x
        STA screenone+$50,x
        LDA screentwo+$a1,x
        STA screenone+$78,x
        LDA screentwo+$c9,x
        STA screenone+$a0,x
        LDA screentwo+$f1,x
        STA screenone+$c8,x
        LDA screentwo+$119,x
        STA screenone+$f0,x
        LDA screentwo+$141,x
        STA screenone+$118,x
        LDA screentwo+$169,x
        STA screenone+$140,x
        LDA screentwo+$191,x
        STA screenone+$168,x
        LDA screentwo+$1b9,x
        STA screenone+$190,x
        LDA screentwo+$1e1,x
        STA screenone+$1b8,x
        LDA screentwo+$209,x
        STA screenone+$1e0,x
        LDA screentwo+$231,x
        STA screenone+$208,x
        LDA screentwo+$259,x
        STA screenone+$230,x
        LDA screentwo+$281,x
        STA screenone+$258,x
        LDA screentwo+$2a9,x
        STA screenone+$280,x
        LDA screentwo+$2d1,x
        STA screenone+$2a8,x
        LDA screentwo+$2f9,x
        STA screenone+$2d0,x
        LDA screentwo+$321,x
        STA screenone+$2f8,x
        CPX #$26
        BEQ @end
        JMP @loop
@end    RTS

; copy from screenone to screentwo, up one row and right one column (line/character)

S1S2UR  LDX #$25
@loop   LDA screenone+$28,x
        STA screentwo+$01,x
        LDA screenone+$50,x
        STA screentwo+$29,x
        LDA screenone+$78,x
        STA screentwo+$51,x
        LDA screenone+$a0,x
        STA screentwo+$79,x
        LDA screenone+$c8,x
        STA screentwo+$A1,x
        LDA screenone+$f0,x
        STA screentwo+$C9,x
        LDA screenone+$118,x
        STA screentwo+$F1,x
        LDA screenone+$140,x
        STA screentwo+$119,x
        LDA screenone+$168,x
        STA screentwo+$141,x
        LDA screenone+$190,x
        STA screentwo+$169,x
        LDA screenone+$1b8,x
        STA screentwo+$191,x
        LDA screenone+$1e0,x
        STA screentwo+$1b9,x
        LDA screenone+$208,x
        STA screentwo+$1e1,x
        LDA screenone+$230,x
        STA screentwo+$209,x
        LDA screenone+$258,x
        STA screentwo+$231,x
        LDA screenone+$280,x
        STA screentwo+$259,x
        LDA screenone+$2a8,x
        STA screentwo+$281,x
        LDA screenone+$2d0,x
        STA screentwo+$2a9,x
        LDA screenone+$2f8,x
        STA screentwo+$2d1,x
        LDA screenone+$320,x
        STA screentwo+$2f9,x
        BMI @end
        JMP @loop
@end    RTS

; copy from screentwo to screenone, up one row and right one column (line/character)

S2S1UR  LDX #$25
@loop   LDA screentwo+$28,x
        STA screenone+$1,x
        LDA screentwo+$50,x
        STA screenone+$29,x
        LDA screentwo+$78,x
        STA screenone+$51,x
        LDA screentwo+$a0,x
        STA screenone+$79,x
        LDA screentwo+$c8,x
        STA screenone+$a1,x
        LDA screentwo+$f0,x
        STA screenone+$c9,x
        LDA screentwo+$118,x
        STA screenone+$f1,x
        LDA screentwo+$140,x
        STA screenone+$119,x
        LDA screentwo+$168,x
        STA screenone+$141,x
        LDA screentwo+$190,x
        STA screenone+$169,x
        LDA screentwo+$1b8,x
        STA screenone+$191,x
        LDA screentwo+$1e0,x
        STA screenone+$1b9,x
        LDA screentwo+$208,x
        STA screenone+$1e1,x
        LDA screentwo+$230,x
        STA screenone+$209,x
        LDA screentwo+$258,x
        STA screenone+$231,x
        LDA screentwo+$280,x
        STA screenone+$259,x
        LDA screentwo+$2a8,x
        STA screenone+$281,x
        LDA screentwo+$2d0,x
        STA screenone+$2a9,x
        LDA screentwo+$2f8,x
        STA screenone+$2d1,x
        LDA screentwo+$320,x
        STA screenone+$2f9,x
        BMI @end
        JMP @loop
@end    RTS

; copy from screenone to screentwo, down one row and right one column (line/character)

S1S2DR  LDX #$25
@loop   LDA screenone+$2f8,x
        STA screentwo+$321,x
        LDA screenone+$2d0,x
        STA screentwo+$2f9,x
        LDA screenone+$2a8,x
        STA screentwo+$2d1,x
        LDA screenone+$280,x
        STA screentwo+$2a9,x
        LDA screenone+$258,x
        STA screentwo+$281,x
        LDA screenone+$230,x
        STA screentwo+$259,x
        LDA screenone+$208,x
        STA screentwo+$231,x
        LDA screenone+$1e0,x
        STA screentwo+$209,x
        LDA screenone+$1b8,x
        STA screentwo+$1e1,x
        LDA screenone+$190,x
        STA screentwo+$1b9,x
        LDA screenone+$168,x
        STA screentwo+$191,x
        LDA screenone+$140,x
        STA screentwo+$169,x
        LDA screenone+$118,x
        STA screentwo+$141,x
        LDA screenone+$f0,x
        STA screentwo+$119,x
        LDA screenone+$c8,x
        STA screentwo+$F1,x
        LDA screenone+$a0,x
        STA screentwo+$C9,x
        LDA screenone+$78,x
        STA screentwo+$A1,x
        LDA screenone+$50,x
        STA screentwo+$79,x
        LDA screenone+$28,x
        STA screentwo+$51,x
        LDA screenone,x
        STA screentwo+$29,x
        BMI @end
        JMP @loop
@end    RTS

; copy from screentwo to screenone, down one row and right one column (line/character)

S2S1DR  LDX #$25
@loop   LDA screentwo+$2f8,x
        STA screenone+$321,x
        LDA screentwo+$2d0,x
        STA screenone+$2f9,x
        LDA screentwo+$2a8,x
        STA screenone+$2d1,x
        LDA screentwo+$280,x
        STA screenone+$2a9,x
        LDA screentwo+$258,x
        STA screenone+$281,x
        LDA screentwo+$230,x
        STA screenone+$259,x
        LDA screentwo+$208,x
        STA screenone+$231,x
        LDA screentwo+$1e0,x
        STA screenone+$209,x
        LDA screentwo+$1b8,x
        STA screenone+$1e1,x
        LDA screentwo+$190,x
        STA screenone+$1b9,x
        LDA screentwo+$168,x
        STA screenone+$191,x
        LDA screentwo+$140,x
        STA screenone+$169,x
        LDA screentwo+$118,x
        STA screenone+$141,x
        LDA screentwo+$f0,x
        STA screenone+$119,x
        LDA screentwo+$c8,x
        STA screenone+$f1,x
        LDA screentwo+$a0,x
        STA screenone+$c9,x
        LDA screentwo+$78,x
        STA screenone+$a1,x
        LDA screentwo+$50,x
        STA screenone+$79,x
        LDA screentwo+$28,x
        STA screenone+$51,x
        LDA screentwo,x
        STA screenone+$29,x
        BMI @end
        JMP @loop
@end    RTS

; copy from screenone to screentwo, down one row and left one column (line/character)

S1S2DL  LDX #$00
@loop   LDA screenone+$2f9,x
        STA screentwo+$320,x
        LDA screenone+$2d1,x
        STA screentwo+$2f8,x
        LDA screenone+$2a9,x
        STA screentwo+$2d0,x
        LDA screenone+$281,x
        STA screentwo+$2a8,x
        LDA screenone+$259,x
        STA screentwo+$280,x
        LDA screenone+$231,x
        STA screentwo+$258,x
        LDA screenone+$209,x
        STA screentwo+$230,x
        LDA screenone+$1e1,x
        STA screentwo+$208,x
        LDA screenone+$1b9,x
        STA screentwo+$1e0,x
        LDA screenone+$191,x
        STA screentwo+$1b8,x
        LDA screenone+$169,x
        STA screentwo+$190,x
        LDA screenone+$141,x
        STA screentwo+$168,x
        LDA screenone+$119,x
        STA screentwo+$140,x
        LDA screenone+$f1,x
        STA screentwo+$118,x
        LDA screenone+$c9,x
        STA screentwo+$f0,x
        LDA screenone+$a1,x
        STA screentwo+$c8,x
        LDA screenone+$79,x
        STA screentwo+$a0,x
        LDA screenone+$51,x
        STA screentwo+$78,x
        LDA screenone+$29,x
        STA screentwo+$50,x
        LDA screenone+$1,x
        STA screentwo+$28,x
        CPX #$26
        BEQ @end
        JMP @loop
@end    RTS

; copy from screentwo to screenone, down one row and left one column (line/character)

S2S1DL  LDX #$00
@loop   LDA screentwo+$2f9,x
        STA screenone+$320,x
        LDA screentwo+$2d1,x
        STA screenone+$2f8,x
        LDA screentwo+$2a9,x
        STA screenone+$2d0,x
        LDA screentwo+$281,x
        STA screenone+$2a8,x
        LDA screentwo+$259,x
        STA screenone+$280,x
        LDA screentwo+$231,x
        STA screenone+$258,x
        LDA screentwo+$209,x
        STA screenone+$230,x
        LDA screentwo+$1e1,x
        STA screenone+$208,x
        LDA screentwo+$1b9,x
        STA screenone+$1e0,x
        LDA screentwo+$191,x
        STA screenone+$1b8,x
        LDA screentwo+$169,x
        STA screenone+$190,x
        LDA screentwo+$141,x
        STA screenone+$168,x
        LDA screentwo+$119,x
        STA screenone+$140,x
        LDA screentwo+$F1,x
        STA screenone+$118,x
        LDA screentwo+$C9,x
        STA screenone+$f0,x
        LDA screentwo+$A1,x
        STA screenone+$c8,x
        LDA screentwo+$79,x
        STA screenone+$a0,x
        LDA screentwo+$51,x
        STA screenone+$78,x
        LDA screentwo+$29,x
        STA screenone+$50,x
        LDA screentwo+$01,x
        STA screenone+$28,x
        CPX #$26
        BEQ @end
        JMP @loop
@end    RTS

; fill colour map from screenone using colourmap_data lookup table
; LDX to start loop, LDY to get character, LDA to get corresponding character colourmap_data, 
; STA to store character colour to colourmap
; done in 2 loops

S1CM    LDX #$26
@loop1  LDY screenone,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap,x
        LDY screenone+$28,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$28,x
        LDY screenone+$50,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$50,x
        LDY screenone+$78,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$78,x
        LDY screenone+$a0,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$a0,x
        LDY screenone+$c8,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$c8,x
        LDY screenone+$f0,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$f0,x
        LDY screenone+$118,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$118,x
        LDY screenone+$140,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$140,x
        BPL @loop1
        LDX #$26
@loop2  LDY screenone+$168,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$168,x
        LDY screenone+$190,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$190,x
        LDY screenone+$1b8,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$1b8,x
        LDY screenone+$1e0,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$1e0,x
        LDY screenone+$208,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$208,x
        LDY screenone+$230,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$230,x
        LDY screenone+$258,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$258,x
        LDY screenone+$280,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$280,x
        LDY screenone+$2a8,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$2a8,x
        LDY screenone+$2d0,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$2d0,x
        LDY screenone+$2f8,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$2f8,x
        LDY screenone+$320,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$320,x
        BPL @loop2

; fill colour map from screentwo using colourmap_data lookup table
; LDX to start loop, LDY to get character, LDA to get corresponding character colourmap_data, 
; STA to store character colour to colourmap
; done in 2 loops

S2CM    LDX #$26
@loop1  LDY screentwo,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap,x
        LDY screentwo+$28,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$28,x
        LDY screentwo+$50,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$50,x
        LDY screentwo+$78,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$78,x
        LDY screentwo+$a0,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$a0,x
        LDY screentwo+$c8,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$c8,x
        LDY screentwo+$f0,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$f0,x
        LDY screentwo+$118,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$118,x
        LDY screentwo+$140,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$140,x
        BPL @loop1
        LDX #$26
@loop2  LDY screentwo+$168,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$168,x
        LDY screentwo+$190,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$190,x
        LDY screentwo+$1b8,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$1b8,x
        LDY screentwo+$1e0,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$1e0,x
        LDY screentwo+$208,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$208,x
        LDY screentwo+$230,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$230,x
        LDY screentwo+$258,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$258,x
        LDY screentwo+$280,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$280,x
        LDY screentwo+$2a8,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$2a8,x
        LDY screentwo+$2d0,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$2d0,x
        LDY screentwo+$2f8,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$2f8,x
        LDY screentwo+$320,x
        LDA colourmap_data,Y
        STA colourmap+$320,x
        BPL @loop2

; colour map data should be 1 byte per character in your character set,
; byte position zero should correspond to character zero colour etc


        BYTE $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
        BYTE $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
        BYTE $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
        BYTE $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
        BYTE $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
        BYTE $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
        BYTE $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
        BYTE $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
        BYTE $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
        BYTE $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
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Re: The start of a scroller

Post by Melon »

To scroll around the screen I've added a basic joystick routine, and setup the irq, add this to the start of the scroll code below the *=$1000

The joystick routine uses self modifying code to jsr each action from a low/high lookup table

Code: Select all

_stacka = $a0
_stackx = $a1
_stacky = $a2

; setup irq

_start          sei
                lda #$35
                sta $01
                lda #$7f
                sta $dc0d
                sta $dd0d
                lda #$01
                sta $d01a
                ldx #$fe
                sta $d012
                lda #$1b
                sta $d011
                lda #<irq
                sta $fffe
                lda #>irq
                sta $ffff
                lda #<@dummy
                sta $fffa
                lda #>@dummy
                sta $fffb
                lda #$00
                sta $d020
                sta $d021
                lda #$ff
                sta $d015
                lda #100
                sta $d000
                sta $d001
                lda #%00000000  ; select $c000-$ffff for vic bank
                sta $dd00
                lda #%00000000  ; character memory $c800 (vic bank + $800)
                sta $d018
@here           jmp @here
@dummy          rti

irq             sta _stacka
                stx _stackx
                sty _stacky
                lda #$ff
                sta $d019
                lda #150
                sta $d012
                inc $d020
                jsr read_joystick
                dec $d020
                ldy _stacky
                ldx _stackx
                lda _stacka

; read joystick

                ldx #$08
@rj             lda $dc00
                and joystick_table,x
                beq @rj_self_mod
                bpl @rj
@rj_self_mod    lda joystick_action_high,x
                sta @rj_jsr+2
                lda joystick_action_low,x
                sta @rj_jsr+1
@rj_jsr         jsr joystick_fire

joystick_table  byte $1,$2,$4,$8,$5,$9,$a,$6,$10

                byte >joystick_up
                byte >joystick_down
                byte >joystick_left
                byte >joystick_right
                byte >joystick_up_left
                byte >joystick_up_right
                byte >joystick_down_right
                byte >joystick_down_left
                byte >joystick_fire
                byte <joystick_up
                byte <joystick_down
                byte <joystick_left
                byte <joystick_right
                byte <joystick_up_left
                byte <joystick_up_right
                byte <joystick_down_right
                byte <joystick_down_left
                byte <joystick_fire

                lda #2
                sta $d020
                dec $d001

                lda #7
                sta $d020
                inc $d001

                lda #4
                sta $d020
                dec $d000

                lda #8
                sta $d020
                inc $d000

                lda #1
                sta $d020
                dec $d000
                dec $d001

                lda #5
                sta $d020
                inc $d000
                dec $d001

                lda #6
                sta $d020
                dec $d000
                inc $d001

                lda #3
                sta $d020
                inc $d000
                inc $d001

                inc $d020
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Re: The start of a scroller

Post by Shaun_B »

Looking good :-) keep it going.


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