Opening Top/Bottom Borders on the C64

Posts: 17
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Opening Top/Bottom Borders on the C64

Post by Wanax »

Hey all, I hope can be useful...

; main.asm triggers all subroutines
; and runs the Interrupt Routine
; Rocky Memphis 02/02/2014
main sei ; set interrupt disable flag
ldy #$7f ; $7f = %01111111
sty $dc0d ; Turn off CIAs Timer interrupts ($7f = %01111111)
sty $dd0d ; Turn off CIAs Timer interrupts ($7f = %01111111)
lda $dc0d ; by reading $dc0d and $dd0d we cancel all CIA-IRQs in queue/unprocessed
lda $dd0d ; by reading $dc0d and $dd0d we cancel all CIA-IRQs in queue/unprocessed
lda #$01 ; Set Interrupt Request Mask...
sta $d01a ; ...we want IRQ by Rasterbeam (%00000001)
lda #<irq ; point IRQ Vector to our custom irq routine
ldx #>irq
sta $0314 ; store in $314/$315
stx $0315
lda #$00 ; trigger interrupt at row zero
sta $d012
lda #$06 ; set border to blue color
sta $d020
cli ; clear interrupt disable flag
jmp * ; infinite loop
; Our custom interrupt routines
irq lda #$03
- cmp $d012
bne -
lda #$02
sta $d020
sta $d021
lda $fb
sta $d000
adc #24
sta $d002
adc #24
sta $d004
adc #24
sta $d006
adc #24
sta $d008
lda #$10
sta $d001
sta $d003
sta $d005
sta $d007
sta $d009
lda #$ff
sta $d015
lda $fb
adc #$02
sta $fb
lda #$2d
sta $d012
lda $d011
and #$7f
sta $d011
lda #<irq1
sta $0314
lda #>irq1
sta $0315
inc $d019
jmp $ea7e
irq1 lda #$2d
- cmp $d012
bne -
lda #$09
sta $d020
sta $d021
lda #$40
- cmp $d012
bne -
lda $d011
and #$7f
ora #$08
sta $d011
lda $fb
sta $d000
adc #24
sta $d002
adc #24
sta $d004
adc #24
sta $d006
adc #24
sta $d008
lda #$30
sta $d001
sta $d003
sta $d005
sta $d007
sta $d009
lda #$c5
sta $d012
lda $d011
and #$7f
sta $d011
lda #<irq2
sta $0314
lda #>irq2
sta $0315
inc $d019
jmp $ea7e
irq2 lda #$c7
- cmp $d012
bne -
lda #$08
sta $d020
sta $d021
lda #$f8
sta $d012
lda $d011
and #$7f
sta $d011
lda $fb
sta $d000
adc #24
sta $d002
adc #24
sta $d004
adc #24
sta $d006
adc #24
sta $d008
lda #$ca
sta $d001
sta $d003
sta $d005
sta $d007
sta $d009
lda #<irq3
sta $0314
lda #>irq3
sta $0315
inc $d019
jmp $ea7e
irq3 lda #$f8
- cmp $d012
bne -
lda $d011
and #$77
sta $d011
lda $fb
sta $d000
adc #24
sta $d002
adc #24
sta $d004
adc #24
sta $d006
adc #24
sta $d008
lda #$fc
sta $d001
sta $d003
sta $d005
sta $d007
sta $d009
lda #$01
sta $d012
lda #<irq
sta $0314
lda #>irq
sta $0315
inc $d019
jmp $ea7e

Posts: 140
Joined: Tue Jun 17, 2014 5:40 am

Re: Opening Top/Bottom Borders on the C64

Post by dudz »

not sure if a rather longish snippet of code with almost no comments (not in the relevant part anyway) and with lots of unrelated stuff helps to understand what is happening... rather look here:
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Location: italy

Re: Opening Top/Bottom Borders on the C64

Post by Wanax »

I have learned to open the borders by disassembling Ikari Warriors (1986), CODEBASE I think did not yet exist ... :D
You are right I take many things for granted, but for beginners CODEBASE is a good starting point.

Re: Opening Top/Bottom Borders on the C64

Post by Prime »

Thanks for posting that code my friend I appreciate it.
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Re: Opening Top/Bottom Borders on the C64

Post by Wanax »

Prime wrote:Thanks for posting that code my friend I appreciate it.
Thanks, you too my friend.

Re: Opening Top/Bottom Borders on the C64

Post by Prime »

Hi my friend I was thinking of showing how to handle basic ai,as me and you handle ai very close good idea?
Then maybe show how to handle finite state ai.
Posts: 17
Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2014 6:15 pm
Location: italy

Re: Opening Top/Bottom Borders on the C64

Post by Wanax »

It is interesting, you have in mind something special?
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